The UK has numerous safety standards regarding racking and storage equipment inspections. Due to the complexity of statutory law and guidance, companies often get confused by what the legal requirements actually are.
We aim to make things simple by breaking down what you need to know.
Firstly, companies have a general duty for the health and safety of their employees.
“It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.”
(Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, section 2)

Secondly, racking, or any storage system, is considered work equipment and therefore needs to be well maintained.
“Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.”
(Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998, regulation 5)
To ensure your racking is well maintained, regular inspections are recommended to identify any damage quickly so that repairs can be carried out.
“Every employer shall ensure that work equipment exposed to conditions causing deterioration which is liable to result in dangerous situations is inspected”
- At suitable intervals; and
- Each time that exceptional circumstances which are liable to jeopardise the safety of the work equipment have occurred
- To ensure that health and safety conditions are maintained, and that any deterioration can be detected and remedied in good time.” (PUWER 1998, regulation 6)
Environments where forklift trucks and other MHE (Material Handling Equipment) operate can pose a risk to racking when impact occurs. Damaged uprights can cause total collapse of racking systems and often leads to serious injury.
“A technically competent person shall carry out inspections at intervals of not more that 12 months. A written report shall be submitted to the PRSES [Person Responsible for Storage Equipment Safety] with observations and proposals for any action necessary.” (BS EN15635, Expert inspections)
Regular inspections should therefore be carried out to identify any damage as early as possible to prevent accidents. You should also have your racking inspected by an expert at least once a year.
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