Rack Armour Warehouse Clearance Deals

Rack Group have amazing deals on Rack Armour at LESS THAN HALF PRICE thanks to our warehouse clearance deals.

Create one way systems down aisles with our Traffic Light Bundles or save even more with our Used Rack Armour stock.

Protect your racking uprights with a simple, cost-effective product that acts as the first line of defence against impact damage. Rack Armour comes in multiple widths and heights to ensure the best fit for all types of racking.

Polymer Column Guards are also on offer - available from only £80 each.

Column Guards protect against forklift truck damage to warehouse structures. Easy to install and available in two sizes, these hard-wearing impact protection guards are designed to last for years to come.

Available while stocks last and when they're gone, they're gone!

Download the sale brochure here.



Rack Group Rack Armour Warehouse Clearance Sale

Speak to a member of the team today.