Unlock the hidden potential of your warehouse space

optimising warehouse space

Warehouse space is a valuable asset that can significantly impact a company’s bottom line. Maximizing the utilization of this space not only enhances operational efficiency but also helps in cost reduction or even having to not move or expand a warehouse footprint. However, identifying and addressing underutilized areas can be a daunting task. That’s where we come in!

In this blog post, we will provide you with practical insights, expert advice, and proven strategies to help you unlock the hidden potential of your warehouse space. We’ll guide you through the process of reducing underutilized space, ensuring that you have the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions.

Whether you’re a warehouse manager seeking to optimize your storage capacity or a financial manager looking to reduce unnecessary expenses, this blog post is designed to provide you with valuable information and actionable steps to achieve your goals.

Before diving into the process of reducing underutilized warehouse space, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough assessment of your current space utilization. By gaining a clear understanding of how your warehouse space is currently being utilized, you can identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions. Start by examining your inventory and storage patterns. Take stock of the types of products you store, their demand levels, and their storage requirements. Identify any discrepancies between inventory levels and storage capacity. This analysis will help you identify areas where space is being underutilized or overutilized.

Evaluate Space Allocation

Assess how your warehouse space is currently allocated and utilized. Measure the actual space occupied by various storage systems, equipment, aisles, and other infrastructure components. Compare this with the planned or designated space. Identify areas where space is underutilized, such as wide aisles, empty racks, or unused corners.

Utilize Data and Metrics

Leverage data and metrics to quantify the extent of underutilization and measure the effectiveness of your space utilization efforts. Key metrics to consider include storage capacity utilization, inventory turnover rates, and storage density. Analyzing these metrics will provide insights into the areas that require attention.

Engage Warehouse Staff

Involve your warehouse staff in the assessment process. They possess valuable first hand knowledge and insights about the warehouse’s day to day operations. Conduct interviews or surveys to gather their input on areas of potential improvement and underutilization.

By conducting a comprehensive assessment of your warehouse’s space utilization, you lay the foundation for effective optimization. Identifying underutilized areas and understanding the factors contributing to low utilization enables you to make targeted improvements.

Optimizing Warehouse Layout and Organization

A well-optimized warehouse layout and organization play a pivotal role in maximizing space utilization. By strategically arranging your storage systems and streamlining workflows, you can make the most of every square foot in your warehouse. Let’s explore some effective strategies for optimizing your warehouse layout and organization.

  1. Reevaluate Racking Systems: Start by reassessing your racking systems. Consider implementing space-saving solutions such as narrow aisle racking or high-density storage systems like push-back or drive-in racks. These systems maximize vertical space utilization and allow for tighter aisle configurations.
  2. Embrace Vertical Space: Make use of vertical space by installing mezzanine levels or double-decker storage systems. These additions increase your storage capacity without expanding your warehouse’s footprint. Utilize stackable containers or bins to efficiently store goods and create vertical storage columns.
  3. Implement Efficient Slotting Techniques: Optimize your slotting strategy by analyzing product characteristics, demand patterns, and picking frequencies. Categorize your products based on their storage requirements and pick frequencies to assign them to the most appropriate locations. This reduces unnecessary travel time and increases efficiency.
  4. Utilize Mobile Shelving Systems: Mobile shelving systems are an excellent solution for warehouses with limited space. These systems use movable racks that compact together, creating additional aisle space when not in use. By maximizing aisle space, you can allocate more room for storage.
  5. Consider Cross-Docking Operations: Cross-docking is a technique that allows goods to be transferred directly from inbound to outbound vehicles with minimal or no storage time. By eliminating the need for traditional storage, cross-docking reduces space requirements and expedites order fulfilment.

By revaluating your racking systems, embracing vertical space, implementing efficient slotting techniques, utilizing mobile shelving systems, and considering cross-docking operations, you can optimize your warehouse layout and organization to reduce underutilized space.

Maximizing Inventory Management Efficiency

Efficient inventory management is key to reducing underutilized warehouse space. By implementing effective inventory control measures and adopting smart strategies, you can optimize inventory levels and storage space utilization. Let’s delve into strategies for maximizing inventory management efficiency.

  1. Conduct ABC Analysis: Perform an ABC analysis to categorize your inventory based on its value and demand. Classify items as A (high-value, high-demand), B (moderate-value, moderate-demand), and C (low-value, low-demand). This analysis helps prioritize storage space allocation and inventory control efforts.
  2. Implement Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Management: Just-in-Time inventory management focuses on minimizing excess inventory by receiving goods as they are needed for production or order fulfillment. This approach reduces storage needs, lowers carrying costs, and ensures efficient utilization of warehouse space.
  3. Optimize Reorder Points and Order Quantities: Fine-tune your reorder points and order quantities to align with demand patterns and lead times. By accurately forecasting demand and adjusting reorder points, you can avoid overstocking or stockouts, thereby optimizing storage space utilization.
  4. Implement Cycle Counting: Instead of relying solely on time-consuming and disruptive physical inventory counts, consider implementing cycle counting. Cycle counting involves regularly counting a small portion of your inventory on an ongoing basis. This approach provides accurate inventory visibility and helps identify and rectify discrepancies promptly.
  5. Leverage Technology: Leverage inventory management software and warehouse management systems (WMS) to gain real-time visibility into your inventory levels, locations, and movements. These technological tools enable efficient inventory tracking, order fulfilment, and space optimization.

Embracing Automation and Technology

In today’s fast-paced world, embracing automation and technology is crucial for efficient warehouse operations and space utilization. By leveraging advanced systems and tools, you can enhance productivity, accuracy, and space optimization. Let’s delve into the benefits of embracing automation and technology in warehouse optimization.

  • Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS): AS/RS systems are robotic systems that automate the storage and retrieval of goods. These systems utilize advanced technologies such as automated conveyors, cranes, and robots to efficiently move and store inventory. By maximizing vertical space utilization and reducing manual handling, AS/RS systems can significantly optimize warehouse space.
  • Pick-to-Light and Put-to-Light Systems: Pick-to-Light and Put-to-Light systems use visual indicators to guide warehouse personnel during order picking and put-away processes. These systems improve accuracy, reduce errors, and enhance productivity. By minimizing travel time and optimizing pick paths, they contribute to efficient space utilization.
  • Warehouse Management Systems (WMS): A robust WMS is essential for effective warehouse management. These software platforms provide real-time visibility into inventory, order processing, and space utilization. By automating tasks such as inventory tracking, order routing, and space optimization, WMS significantly enhances warehouse efficiency.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Sensors: IoT sensors can be installed throughout the warehouse to monitor and collect data on various parameters such as space utilization, temperature, humidity, and equipment performance. By analysing this data, you can identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and make data-driven decisions to maximize space utilization.
  • Warehouse Visualization and Simulation Tools: Utilize warehouse visualization and simulation tools to model and analyse different layout configurations. These tools provide a visual representation of your warehouse and simulate the impact of layout changes on space utilization. By experimenting with various scenarios, you can make informed decisions about optimizing your warehouse layout.

By embracing automation and technology, you can revolutionize your warehouse operations and achieve maximum space utilization.

Summary and Key Takeaways

In this article, we’ve explored various strategies and techniques to reduce underutilized warehouse space or repurpose space. By implementing these strategies, warehouse to financial managers can start to optimize space utilization, increase operational efficiency, and maximize their return on investment.

Warehouse Racking Specialists

We know that every warehouse is unique, so it’s essential to assess your specific needs and tailor the strategies accordingly. Contact our team of experts today to discuss your warehouse optimization needs and explore how our solutions can transform your space utilization. Let’s embark on the path to warehouse efficiency together!

How best to manage UK and Euro pallets in one warehouse

As the demands of the modern supply chain evolve, many businesses face the challenge of accommodating different pallet types due to their regional or international operations. Managing UK and Euro pallets together requires careful planning, efficient space utilization, and proper handling procedures.Ā 

In this article, we will guide you through the process of efficiently handling both UK and Euro pallets, ensuring seamless warehouse operations and improved productivity. So, whether you’re a warehouse manager or a logistics professional seeking practical solutions for managing diverse pallet types, this post is for you. Let’s dive in and explore the strategies and techniques that will help you effectively manage UK and Euro pallets in a single warehouse.Ā 

Understanding UK and Euro Pallets

To effectively manage UK and Euro pallets in one warehouse, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of the characteristics and dimensions of each pallet type. Let’s take a closer look at UK and Euro pallets, their specifications, and the key differences between them.Ā 

Explanation of UK Pallets and Their Dimensions

UK pallets, also known as “Standard 1200” or “CHEP” pallets, are widely used in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world. These pallets have dimensions of 1200mm x 1000mm, making them slightly larger than Euro pallets.Ā Ā 

Overview of Euro Pallets and Their Standard Size

Euro pallets, also known as “EUR” pallets, are commonly used throughout Europe. These pallets adhere to the European Pallet Association (EPAL) standards and have dimensions of 1200mm x 800mm. Euro pallets are known for their sturdy construction and standardized dimensions, facilitating compatibility across different European countries.Ā 

Key Differences Between the Two Types

While both UK and Euro pallets serve the same fundamental purpose of safely transporting goods, there are significant differences to consider when managing them together in one warehouse.Ā 

  • Dimensions: UK pallets are larger, measuring 1200mm x 1000mm, compared to the 1200mm x 800mm dimensions of Euro pallets. This variation affects how you plan your storage space and configure your racks to accommodate both pallet types efficiently.Ā 
  • Load Capacity: UK pallets generally have a higher load capacity compared to Euro pallets due to their larger size, but itā€™s imperative you check the type of pallet build as this directly impacts load capacity. It’s also crucial to consider weight restrictions and ensure your storage systems can handle the load capacity of both pallet types.Ā 
  • Compatibility: Euro pallets are more prevalent in Europe, while UK pallets are commonly used in the UK and other regions. When managing both pallet types, it’s essential to ensure compatibility with handling equipment, such as forklifts, pallet jacks, and conveyors.Ā 

Evaluating Warehouse Space and Layout

To successfully manage UK and Euro pallets in one warehouse, it’s essential to evaluate your available space and optimize the layout to accommodate both pallet types efficiently. Let’s explore some key strategies for evaluating and maximizing your warehouse space.Ā 

Assessing Available Warehouse Space for Pallet Storage

Begin by assessing your warehouse space to determine how much area you have available for pallet storage. Consider factors such as the total floor space, ceiling height, and any existing storage systems or infrastructure.Ā 

Evaluate the space in terms of both square footage and cubic footage. Remember, effective space utilization involves utilizing the vertical space as well. This evaluation will provide a baseline understanding of your warehouse’s capacity to handle both UK and Euro pallets.Ā 

Optimising Racking and Shelving Systems for Dual Pallet Types

Choosing the right racking system is crucial for efficient pallet storage. Consider the following options to accommodate both UK and Euro pallets:Ā 

  • Adjustable Pallet Racking: Invest in adjustable pallet racking systems that allow for flexible configurations. Adjustable beam levels can be modified to accommodate the dimensions of UK and Euro pallets effectively.Ā 
  • Double-Deep Racking: Double-deep racking systems provide higher density storage by allowing pallets to be stored two-deep. This configuration can be advantageous for accommodating larger quantities of both UK and Euro pallets.Ā 
  • Push-Back Racking: Push-back racking systems enable deep-lane storage and offer high-density storage solutions. These systems use carts or rails to store pallets in a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) manner. By adjusting the lane widths, you can accommodate both UK and Euro pallets efficiently.Ā 
  • Single size racking: Euro pallets typically can be stored in 1100mm or 700mm deep pallet racking frames. UK standard pallets can be used in 900mm or 1100mm deep pallet racking frames. If you are storing a mixture of Euro and UK standard pallets, an 1100mm deep frame can accommodate both Euro and UK Standard four-way pallets. It is not advisable to stack UK and Euro pallets together.Ā 
  • 50/50 racking: Racking can be installed to support both types of pallets. This can be achieved by installing different widths of racking for each size of pallet.Ā 

Considering Vertical Storage Solutions for Efficient Space Utilization

Maximize your warehouse’s vertical space by considering the following vertical storage solutions:Ā 

  • Mezzanine Floors: Install mezzanine floors to create additional storage levels above the main floor. These elevated platforms provide valuable space for storing UK and Euro pallets without compromising the existing floor area.Ā 
  • Stackable Containers: Utilize stackable containers that can be nested when empty to save space. These containers allow you to maximize vertical storage and efficiently manage both types of pallets.Ā 

Implementing Proper Pallet Storage Practices

Proper pallet storage practices are essential for maintaining an organized warehouse and ensuring efficient handling of both UK and Euro pallets. In this section, we will explore some best practices to consider when storing and managing pallets in your warehouse.Ā 

Segregating UK and Euro Pallets in Designated Storage Areas

To avoid confusion and streamline operations, it’s crucial to segregate UK and Euro pallets in designated storage areas. Clearly mark and label each area to indicate the pallet type it accommodates. This segregation helps prevent pallet mix-ups and allows for easier identification and retrieval when needed.Ā 

Assigning specific zones for each pallet type enables efficient inventory management and minimizes the risk of pallet compatibility issues during order fulfilment.Ā 

Establishing Clear Labelling and Signage Systems for Easy Identification

Implement a robust labelling and signage system to ensure easy identification of both UK and Euro pallets. Use standardized labels that clearly indicate the pallet type, product details, and any specific handling instructions.Ā 

Consider using color-coded labels or signage to further distinguish between UK and Euro pallets. This visual cue helps warehouse staff quickly identify and locate the required pallets, improving efficiency and minimizing errors.Ā 

Implementing FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) Practices

To maintain inventory freshness and prevent product spoilage, it’s essential to implement FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) practices.Ā 

For perishable goods or products with expiration dates, FIFO ensures that older stock is used first, minimizing waste. LIFO, on the other hand, may be more suitable for non-perishable items or products with a longer shelf life.Ā 

By adhering to these practices, you can optimize your warehouse operations and maintain inventory accuracy for both UK and Euro pallets.Ā 

Streamlining Pallet Handling and Transportation

Efficient pallet handling and transportation are essential for maintaining smooth warehouse operations when managing both UK and Euro pallets. In this section, we will explore strategies to streamline the movement of pallets within your warehouse.Ā 

Standardizing Handling Equipment for Both Pallet Types

To ensure seamless pallet handling, it’s important to standardize the handling equipment used for both UK and Euro pallets. This includes forklifts, pallet jacks, and other material handling equipment.Ā 

Investing in versatile equipment that can accommodate both pallet types eliminates the need for separate equipment and reduces complexity in your warehouse operations. Make sure your handling equipment is properly adjusted to safely handle the dimensions and weight capacities of both UK and Euro pallets.Ā 

Utilizing Pallet Conversion Solutions

Pallet conversion solutions offer a practical approach to handle both UK and Euro pallets in a single warehouse. These solutions involve using pallet converters or adaptors to modify the dimensions of the pallets temporarily.Ā 

By employing pallet converters, you can effectively convert UK pallets to Euro size or vice versa when necessary. This flexibility allows for easier handling and transportation of both pallet types within your warehouse and during distribution processes.Ā 

Implementing Efficient Pallet Transportation Processes

Smooth pallet transportation is essential for maintaining a streamlined workflow. Consider the following strategies to enhance pallet transportation efficiency:Ā 

  • Route Optimization: Plan and optimize the routes for pallet movement within your warehouse. Minimize unnecessary travel distances and eliminate bottlenecks to ensure swift and efficient transportation.Ā 
  • Dock Management: Implement effective dock management practices to streamline the loading and unloading of both UK and Euro pallets. Clearly define procedures and provide adequate resources to facilitate seamless pallet transfers.Ā 
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Establish strong relationships with transportation providers who specialize in handling both UK and Euro pallets. Ensure they have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle the specific requirements of each pallet type during distribution.Ā 

Maximizing Efficiency with UK and Euro Pallet Management

Effectively managing both UK and Euro pallets in one warehouse can significantly enhance space utilization, operational efficiency, and overall productivity. By following the strategies outlined in this article, warehouse managers can optimize their pallet storage, streamline handling and transportation, and create a well-organized and efficient warehouse environment.Ā 

Throughout this article, we discussed the importance of evaluating warehouse space, optimizing racking systems, implementing proper storage practices, and streamlining pallet handling and transportation.Ā Ā 

Additionally, considering vertical storage solutions and exploring pallet conversion options further enhance your ability to maximize space and handle different pallet types effectively.Ā Ā 

By implementing these best practices and leveraging the expertise of warehouse design professionals, you can transform your warehouse into a well-optimized space that accommodates both UK and Euro pallets with ease.

Expert Warehouse Racking Specialists

At the Rack Group, we specialise in warehouse racking design and storage optimisation services. Our team of experts can assist you in maximizing the efficiency of your warehouse, offering customised solutions tailored to your specific needs.Ā 

Start maximising your warehouse space and efficiency and contact us today, and experience the benefits of effectively managing UK and Euro pallets in one warehouse.Ā 

The Main Reasons Behind Racking Collapse and How To Avoid These Risks

Warehouse safety is of paramount importance in any industrial setting. One critical aspect that demands attention is the integrity of racking systems.

Unfortunately, racking collapses can lead to catastrophic consequences, posing risks to personnel, operations and inventory.Ā To prevent such disasters, let’s delve into the most common causes of racking failures, explore examples and most importantly the prevention of racking collapse.

Collapsed Racking Image Source TechRescueWMFS Ā Racking_collapses_1 Ā Picture2


1. Racking Incorrectly Installed

One of the leading culprits behind racking collapses is improper installation. When racking systems aren’t assembled correctly, they lack the necessary stability to bear the weight they are designed for. Substandard installation often involves misaligned beams, loose connections, or insufficient anchoring to the floor or wall.Ā 

Example: In a warehouse, a racking system was hastily installed without adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines. As a result, the beams weren’t adequately secured, leading to an eventual collapse when the load capacity was exceeded.Ā 


2. Overloaded Pallets and Beams

Either incorrect evaluation of weight limits or ignoring weight load notices. Pushing the limits of a racking system by overloading pallets and beams, is an invitation for disaster. Exceeding the maximum weight capacity compromises the structural integrity of the racking, increasing the risk of failure.Ā 

Example: Even though the weight load notice stated the weight load capacity of the racking, pallets were stacked beyond the recommended load-bearing capacity of the racking. This constant overload weakened the system, eventually resulting in a catastrophic collapse.Ā 


3. Impact from Material Handling Equipment

The bustling environment of a warehouse often involves the use of material handling equipment like forklifts and reach trucks. Accidents and collisions with racking systems can cause damage that goes unnoticed, and even small bumps will gradually weaken the structure over time.Ā 

Example: A forklift operator accidentally backed into a rack, causing a slight dent in the upright. While seemingly minor, this impact weakened the racking’s structural integrity, leading to its eventual failure during regular operations by maxing its now weakened load potential or from further minor bumps.Ā 


4. Racking Reconfigured and Not Re-Inspected for Safety

Warehouse dynamics change over time, prompting reconfigurations of racking systems. However, these alterations are not always followed by safety inspections. Neglecting to reevaluate the integrity of the racking after reconfiguration can lead to unforeseen vulnerabilities.Ā 

Example: Due to an increase in new product lines, a warehouse decided to rearrange its racking layout. However, the safety inspection was overlooked, and the new configuration was never thoroughly assessed for structural soundness, eventually leading to a collapse.Ā 


5. Racking Components Not Repaired Properly

When racking components sustain damage, repairs must be carried out promptly and professionally. Cutting corners or using makeshift fixes compromises the system’s overall strength and reliability.Ā 

Example: In an attempt to save on costs, a warehouse maintenance team attempted to repair a bent beam by straightening it. This inadequate repair rendered the beam unstable, ultimately contributing to the racking collapse.Ā 


How can you minimise the Risk of Racking Collapse?Ā 

Qualified Installation, Maintenance, and Inspection Teams

The foundation of a robust racking system begins with a proper installation by qualified experts. Engaging professional installation teams ensures that racking systems are assembled in accordance with manufacturer guidelines, and following EN Regulations and SEMA Guidelines, to ensure the best structural integrity from the start.Ā 

Proper installation ensures that racking systems can safely withstand the intended loads and daily operations. It encompasses aligning beams accurately, securely fastening components, and anchoring the racking securely to the floor or wall.Ā 

Routine inspections involve comprehensive checks of the racking’s structural integrity, including uprights, beams, and connections. Inspections can be undertaken by an internal trained employee while annual inspections by external qualified inspectors. All annual inspectors should be trained to follow EN15635 Standard and PUWER Regulations, in identifying potential vulnerabilities and assessing load-bearing capabilities.Ā 

Sufficient Training for Warehouse Teams

Empowering your warehouse teams with adequate training is a critical defence against racking collapse. Educating personnel on what to look for and the appropriate actions to take upon spotting an issue can prevent potential catastrophes.Ā 

  • Comprehensive Awareness: Warehouse teams should be trained to recognize signs of wear, damage, or instability in the racking system. This includes understanding the importance of load limits, recognizing damaged components, and knowing when to report potential safety concerns.Ā 
  • Immediate Action Plan: Training should equip personnel with a clear protocol to follow in the event they encounter a safety issue. Encouraging an open reporting culture ensures that any observed problems are promptly communicated to supervisors or maintenance teams for swift resolution.Ā 
  • Ongoing Education: Safety training should be a continuous effort, ensuring that all personnel, including new hires, are well-informed about warehouse safety practices. Periodic refreshers and updates on industry best practices keep the workforce vigilant and informed.Ā 

Infographic (3)In conclusion, mitigating the risk of racking collapse is a multi-faceted approach that relies on professional installation, regular maintenance, and diligent inspections. Equally important is providing thorough training to warehouse teams to recognize potential hazards and respond swiftly to ensure a safe and secure workplace environment. By implementing these strategies, warehouse managers can proactively protect their facility, personnel, and valuable inventory from the threat of racking failures.Ā 

Rack Group have over 40 yearsā€™ experience in industrial pallet racking design, installation, repair and inspections, while providing training to upskill customer inhouse teams. Contact us for advice, and quotes for training, installations and inspections.Ā 


Rack Group partners with Capita for Seamless Warehouse Relocation

About Capita

Capita plc, commonly known as Capita, is an international business process outsourcing and professional services company with a focus on Telecoms, Media & Technology; Retail & Consumer Products; Energy & Utilities; Government & Transport and Financial Services.

The Challenge

A warehouse relocation was required for 14,000 pallet locations. The warehouse was required to be in the North-East of England and with easy motorway access. The relocation had to be planned to not disrupt operations and require additional internal human resources.


The Solution

Capita first engaged with Rack Group several years ago requesting racking repair and inspections. Rack Group have since become a preferred racking partner for Capita. Rack Group designers and installation engineers supported Capita in sourcing new warehouse premises.

Six properties were reviewed around the North East of England which were in close proximity and had easy access to motorways. For some of the identified properties, racking designs were produced by Rack Group, to understand how the space could be optimized for to assess the immediate and longer term warehouse storage capacity.

A warehouse property was finally sourced which Rack Group estimated could support 15,000 pallet locations. The relocation was planned in four phases over a 10 week period to minimize disruption to operations. Standard adjustable racking was sourced from AR Racking and installed by the Rack Group. The stored items in the original warehouse were transported after each phase of installation, on time and on budget.

To maintain the integrity of the racking from vehicle impact damage, barriers were also installed. These consisted of end of aisle barriers supplied by RMI and Rack ArmourĀ® to protect the racking uprights.

The Benefits

Zero disruption to operations and no loss of output was achieved through the phased installation and relocation of assets.

The project was delivered on time and on budget including the sourcing, installation and protection of the racking.

Warehouse sourcing was expedited and storage space optimised, with the assistance of Rack Group designers and engineering team..

Single point of contact to source racking, installation and inspections, plus impact barriers due to Rack Group being part of IWS Group, a family of industrial solution providers.

"With a major relocation in a very tight timeframe, Rack Group worked with us every step of the way, from layout design, planning, phasing and installation. Our need to move meant that we had started to decant our old premises to the new location, even before the racking installations began. Rack group came in and got on with the installations, to allow us to place items onto the racking almost as soon as each phase was completed.Ā  I would have no hesitation in recommending Rack Group for any size of project."

Mary Collins Head of Projects, Group Property Capita PLC.


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Move or not to move ā€“ How to decide if a mezzanine is the best solution

Every inch of space counts, so maximising the use of your warehouse’s square footage can lead to increased efficiency, productivity, and profitability. But what if you’re running out of space and considering moving to a new warehouse? Moving can be costly and disruptive to your business, but there’s a solution that can save you money and the hassle of relocating: installing a mezzanine. Mezzanines are raised platforms that provide additional floor space in your warehouse, allowing you to create new storage space, repurpose existing space, or add new workspaces.

In this article, we’ll explore the positives and negatives of mezzanine installations, and how implementing a mezzanine can help you save on the cost of moving to another warehouse while maximising your current space.

Positives of Installing a Mezzanine Floor

  1. Increased Storage Space: A mezzanine floor can provide additional storage space in your warehouse, allowing you to make the most of your vertical space. This can increase your storage capacity without taking up valuable floor space.
  2. Creation of New Workspaces: Mezzanine floors can create new workspaces, such as offices or break rooms, by adding an additional level to your warehouse. This can free up valuable floor space and improve organization and accessibility.
  3. Cost Savings: Installing a mezzanine floor can save the cost of moving to a larger warehouse or expanding your current one. By using the available vertical space, you can increase your storage capacity without incurring the cost of a new building or additional land.
  4. Time and operational savings: By simply removing the need to expand or relocate to new premises will not only save time for many colleagues but maintain maximum operational efficiency.
  5. Increased Property Value: A mezzanine installation can increase the value of your property by adding additional square footage to your warehouse, making it a more desirable asset in the long run.

Picture 4

Negatives of Installing a Mezzanine Floor

  1. Upfront Costs: Mezzanine floors can be expensive to install, and the cost will depend on the type of mezzanine, the size of your warehouse, and other factors. Additionally, ongoing maintenance costs may also be required. Factoring all these costs into your ROI is paramount and start by gaining a number of quotes from installers. The design is also important and the designer should be able to provide a number of cost-related options.Ā Ā 
  2. Building Codes and Permits: Installing a mezzanine floor typically requires obtaining building permits and meeting building codes. This can add additional costs and time to the installation process. A good installation company should be able to help you with all of these items, from documents to installation in line with regulations and standards.
  3. Disruption to Workflow: The installation process of a mezzanine floor can cause disruptions to your warehouse’s workflow, leading to downtime and decreased productivity. Ensure your installation company provides a plan to mitigate disruption including a phased plan and out-of-hours work schedule.

Is a Mezzanine Floor the Best Solution for Your Warehouse?

When selecting a mezzanine for your warehouse, there are several key factors to consider. Here are some of the most important considerations:

Purpose and Use

What will the mezzanine be used for? Will it be used for storage, production, or office space? Understanding the purpose and use of the mezzanine will help determine the size, weight capacity, and other requirements for the installation.

Available Space

How much available space do you have in your warehouse? The size and layout of your warehouse will determine the size and design of the mezzanine. Consider the height of your ceilings, the placement of existing equipment and structures, and any other space limitations.

Future Growth

Consider if your business is likely to expand in the future. If so, a mezzanine floor can provide the flexibility to adapt to future growth without incurring the costs of moving to a larger warehouse.

Building Codes and Regulations

What are the building codes and regulations in your area? It’s important to ensure that the mezzanine installation meets all safety and regulatory requirements. Make sure to work with a reputable mezzanine installation company that is knowledgeable about local building codes and regulations.

Load Capacity

How much weight will the mezzanine need to support? The load capacity of the mezzanine will depend on its purpose and use. For example, a mezzanine used for heavy equipment storage will need to have a higher load capacity than a mezzanine used for office space.


How will the mezzanine be accessed? Consider the location of stairs, elevators, and other access points to ensure that the mezzanine is easily accessible for employees and equipment.

To ensure that you select the right mezzanine for your warehouse, it’s important to work with an experienced and knowledgeable mezzanine installation company. Visit our website to learn more about our mezzanine installation services and schedule a consultation with our experts.

Picture 5

Does Your Business Need a Mezzanine

In conclusion, adding a mezzanine to your warehouse can provide a range of benefits for your business, including optimising space, creating new storage and work areas, increasing efficiency, and enhancing safety. By choosing the right mezzanine design and working with a professional installation company, you can maximise the use of your warehouse space and improve your operations.

If you’re considering adding a mezzanine to your warehouse, make sure to do your research and choose a reputable and experienced installation company. Schedule a consultation with their experts to determine the best mezzanine design for your business needs and to ensure that the installation is done safely and correctly.

To learn more about our mezzanine installation services and schedule a consultation with our experts. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your warehouse space and improve your operations.

Space-Saving Strategies: How to Choose the Right Mezzanine for Your Business

If you run a business that utilises a warehouse as its operational hub, you understand the importance of efficiently utilising the available space.

Whether it’s maximising storage capacity or creating new work areas, there are numerous strategies to optimise the square footage of your warehouse. An effective solution worth considering is the installation of a mezzanine floorā€”a raised platform that offers additional floor space within your warehouse. This blog post will delve into the various types of mezzanines that exist and provide guidance on selecting the most suitable one for your business.

Mezzanine design and install


Benefits of Mezzanine Flooring

Mezzanine installations offer numerous benefits for warehouses of all sizes and industries. Here are some of the key advantages of adding a mezzanine to your warehouse:

Increased Storage Capacity and Flexibility

One of the most significant benefits of mezzanine installations is the extra storage space they provide. Mezzanines can be used to store products, equipment, and supplies, allowing you to make the most of your vertical space. This increased storage capacity also gives you more flexibility in organizing your warehouse, enabling you to optimise your workflow and increase productivity.

Improved Organisation and Accessibility

Mezzanines can help you organize your warehouse more efficiently. By using the extra space to store products and equipment, you can create more accessible pathways and workspaces, reducing the time it takes to locate and retrieve items. This improved organization can help you improve your workflow and productivity, reducing errors and increasing accuracy.

Creation of New Workspace and Repurposing of Existing Space

Mezzanine installations can also create a new workspace and allow you to repurpose existing space. If your warehouse is running out of floor space, a mezzanine installation can provide an additional level for offices, break rooms, or other workspace. Additionally, a mezzanine can help you repurpose existing space by allowing you to move storage or equipment to the upper level, freeing up floor space for other purposes.

Increased Property Value

Finally, mezzanine installations can increase the value of your property. By adding a mezzanine, you’re essentially creating additional square footage, which can increase the overall value of your warehouse. If you’re looking to sell or lease your property in the future, a mezzanine installation can help you attract more buyers or tenants and increase your return on investment.

Picture 33. Mezzanine Floor Installations Rack Group1. Mezzanine Floor Installations Rack Group

Types of Mezzanine Installations

When it comes to selecting a mezzanine installation for your warehouse, there are numerous options to choose from. Here are just some of the most common types of mezzanine installations:

  • Free-Standing Mezzanines are self-supporting structures that don’t require any additional support from the building’s existing structure. These mezzanines can be easily relocated or expanded and are ideal for warehouses with high ceilings.
  • Rack-Supported Mezzanines use existing pallet racking as the support structure for the mezzanine platform. This option is ideal for warehouses with limited floor space or those looking to add storage space above their existing pallet racking.
  • Shelving-supported mezzanines use existing shelving units as the support structure for the mezzanine platform. This option is ideal for warehouses with limited floor space or those looking to add storage space above their existing shelving units.
  • Structural steel mezzanines are designed to support heavy loads and are ideal for warehouses that need to store large or heavy equipment or machinery. These mezzanines can be custom designed to fit your specific needs and can be used for storage, production, or office space.

Installation and Maintenance

Once you’ve decided you need a mezzanine for your warehouse, it’s important to ensure that it’s installed and maintained properly. Here are some key things to consider:

  • Design and installation
    It’s important to work with a professional mezzanine design and installation company that will consult and advise on the optimum solution for your workplace. This will include not only the best design but is in the best location, good access and a cost-effective solution. A company will also ensure that your mezzanine meets all regulatory requirements and building codes.
  • Regular Maintenance
    It is essential to ensure that your mezzanine stays in good condition and continues to operate safely. Make sure to schedule regular inspections and maintenance with your mezzanine installation company.
  • Safety Features
    Make sure that your mezzanine installation includes all necessary safety features, such as guardrails, handrails, and safety gates. These features will help prevent accidents and injuries in your warehouse.
  • Employee Training
    Make sure that all employees who will be working on or around the mezzanine receive proper training on how to use it safely. This includes training on how to access the mezzanine, how to load and unload materials, and how to use any safety features.

If you’re considering installing a mezzanine in your warehouse, make sure to work with a reputable and experienced mezzanine installation company that can provide not only professional installation and maintenance services but also guidance on safety, regulations and compliance.

To learn more about the different types of mezzanine installations and which option is best for your warehouse, schedule a consultation with our experts.

Raleigh selects Rack Group to help fast-track new warehouse build

Raleigh Bikes Logo New

About Raleigh

The Raleigh Bicycle Company is a British bicycle manufacturer based in Nottingham, England and founded in 1885. Using Raleigh as their brand name, it is one of the oldest bicycle companies and continues to produce some of the best known iconic bikes in the world.

The Challenge

Raleigh required racking for a 27,000 sq. ft. temporary warehouse to store their products ahead of an expected increase in demand. The warehouse needed be constructed within 8 weeks, with the racking then required as soon as possible after completion.

Raleigh Bikes Case Study 1

The Solution

Rack Group reached out to Raleigh to offer our services as a specialist racking design and install company.

Following a site visit, drawings of the design and layout were created to propose how to maximise capacity and workflow within the warehouse whilst ensuring safety and compliance. Raleigh chose Rack Group due to their quick response to their
short deadlines and a combination of expertise, and cost
effective proposal.

The racking used was AR Racking, who offered a quality, cost-effective product with quick lead times, thanks to our Official Distributor status. The install was for storage of bicycles and spare parts.

Providing a dedicated Account Manager, the racking was installed on time and on budget. It was also identified at the start of the install, that impact protection for the temporary structure was required. Rack Group are part of the IWS Group, which includes Brandsafe, who specialise in impact protection for outside and inside the warehouse. Brandsafe provided a number of barrier protection solutions to ensure the warehouse remained safe from vehicle impact.

During the project, Raleigh mentioned they were looking for a flexible storage solution for their spare parts within the warehouse. Another IWS Group company, warehouse accessory specialist Beaverswood, supplied hard-wearing, reusable refuse sacks for the warehouse, which were the ideal customer solution.

The Benefits

Rack Group delivered and installed the racking on site quickly after the construction of the warehouse, making essential alterations on the day to ensure the most optimised layout for Raleigh.

Thanks to being part of the IWS Group, we were able to act as a one-stop-solution provider for the additional requirements of Raleigh, saving them time, money and hassle.

Raleigh now has a fully functioning, safe, temporary warehouse to house their additional stock to meet increased demand.

The products supplied are all adaptable, should there be a requirement to relocate the equipment to a permanent warehouse in the future.

"The project required a quick turnaround from building the warehouse to racking installation, so we could be operational in time for the unexpected increase in customer demand. We chose Rack Group based on their expertise and ability to quickly deliver a great solution.

They completed the install on time, and ensured we had the best solution by providing advice and alterations ongoing. Additionally we really benefitted from the Rack Group being part of the IWS Group, as they also helped provide safety barriers and storage solutions. From start to finish, Rack Group were the ideal company to help us deliver our project on time and on budget, providing expert advice and additional solutions to make it a success."
Christopher Green, Warehouse Manager

Raleigh Bikes Case Study 2

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Rack Group now stock top racking manufacturers

Racking stock update

Rack Group now stock large quantities of the top racking manufacturers including:

  • AR Racking
  • Link 51
  • PSS
  • Cornix
  • Dexion

Pre-order full bays or individual components, available with installation or supply only.


Get in touch with our team today for more information.

Rack Group Top Racking Manufacturer Stockists

Link 51

We have Link 51 racking IN STOCK ready to be shipped. There is currently a 13 week lead time direct from the manufacturer, but Rack Group can deliver the following components NEXT DAY.

Current stock includes:

  • Shelving - available assembled or in kit
    • 2400 x 300
    • 2400 x 500
    • 2400 x 600

APR PALLET RACKING - available assembled or in kit

  • Uprights
    • 900 E / S
    • 1350 E / S
    • 2250 E / H / M / S
    • 4500 H
    • 5250 H
    • 6450 H
  • Beams
    • 2700 x 105
    • 2650 x 120
    • 2670 x 120
    • 2700 x 120


Current stock includes:

  • Frames
    • 6300 x 900 M
    • 3900 x 900 M
    • 8400 x 900 M
    • 9600 x 900 M
  • Beams
    • 2700 x 110
  • Baseplates
    • S/M/H


Current stock includes:

  • Beams
    • 2700 x 110
    • 2250 x 100
  • Ā Uprights
    • 4050 2KL85 3.0L
    • 4650 2KL85 3.0L
    • 5250 2KL85 3.0L
  • Bracing
    • 787HC / 827OL PG
    • 907HC / 947OL PG
    • 1048HC / 1188OL

AR Racking

Current stock includes:

  • Frames
    • 6000 x 900 XS20
    • 8500 x 900 M
  • Beams
    • 2700 x 110 2000kg
    • 2700 x 150 3000kg

Speak to a member of the team today.

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How to choose warehouse racking

This article is provided courtesy of Dexion

No warehouse can operate at optimum capacity or efficiency if the internal space isnā€™t configured with the right industrial racking to suit the products being stored.

You can have the best pallet racking equipment in the world, but if it doesnā€™t complement your operation, then efficiency will be compromised. Getting it right is key to successful logistics.

Here, we look at some of the many different types of pallet racking and explain when and how they are best deployed.

What is warehouse pallet racking?

Broadly, warehouse pallet racking comprises a system of metal uprights and cross beams that are used to support the goods being stored.

The type of racking and the way they are configured can be adapted to meet the needs of the warehouse, whether the goods being stored need fast turnaround or longer-term storage; whether they are hand-picked in small amounts or by the pallet-load; or whether the set-up is manually operated or uses robotic automation. They all, however, aim to optimise the space available.

Dexion Pallet Racking Rack Group

Standard wide aisle pallet racking

Standard wide aisle pallet racking provides your warehousing teams with unrestricted access to all your pallets at all times. The system delivers versatility and assembly as single- or double-depth racks.

Here, the pallets are accessed for picking and replenishing by forklifts, which will have direct and immediate access from the aisle to all the pallet-loads being stored.

Dexion Standard Wide Aisle Pallet Racking Rack Group

Narrow aisle pallet racking

Narrow aisle pallet racking is ideal for a warehouse where the storage floor space is limited, as it offers high density storage while at the same time allowing for quick order-picking and fast accessibility to every pallet.

Varying shelving heights and depths, together with height-adjustable supporting beams assure maximum flexibility. Narrow aisle pallet racking can represent a space saving of up to 40%. The associated handling equipment is often highly automated to ensure speedy picking, straight from the pallet.

Dexion Narrow Aisle Pallet Racking

Double deep pallet racking

Double deep pallet racking offers a similar benefit to compact pallet racking, and is a common storage solution. Here, however, there is no direct access to pallets stored at the back. Specially equipped forklifts are needed to access the second pallets, stored to the rear.

Dexion Double Deep Pallet Racking Rack Group

Mobile pallet racking

Mobile pallet racking ā€“ or MOVO ā€“ is a dynamic solution where the racking moves on rails. The racking can be manually or automatically moved along the rails to open and close aisles, depending where access is needed at any one time. MOVO provides a high density storage solution, taking up to 50% less space than conventional pallet racking.

Dexion Mobile Pallet Racking Rack Group

Drive-in pallet racking

Where large quantities of identical goods are being stored, with a low rotation, drive-in pallet racking (or LIFO ā€“ last in, first out) is an ideal solution.
Only one aisle, for forklift, is needed, and the last pallet in is the first one to be removed.

Drive-in pallet racking reduces aisle loading and unloading times, yet allows greater access compared to block-stacking.

Dexion Drive In Pallet Racking Rack Group

Drive-through pallet racking

Drive through pallet racking needs aisle access from either side of the racking. Using the FIFO (first in, first out) methodology, stock is replenished from one side, and removed from the other.

FIFO is suited to high rotation stock, but the space saving is less that with drive-in racking.

Dexion Drive Through Pallet Racking Rack Group

Pallet flow racking

Pallet flow racking is also known as live pallet racking. Pallets travel smoothly on rollers. While the front pallet is removed on the front side of the rack, the rear pallet is held back. Pallet movement is always safe and smooth thanks to automatic braking, along with a combined load guide and end stop unit.

The two main types of live pallet racking are the gravity FIFO live storage system and the push-back LIFO system.

Gravity FIFO live pallet racking system

Here, the loading area is at the opposite end to the picking area, with the pallets travelling along a system of rollers that form a slightly inclined rail. FIFO pallet racking is ideal for products needing perfect stock rotation.

Push-back LIFO racking

Here, there is just one loading and unloading area at the front of the structure, and the pallets are stored by pushing the previous ones towards the back of the racking.

Dexion Pallet Flow Racking Rack Group

Crane racking

Crane racking is a fully automated storage system, ideal for storing pallets and large items.

Designed to work within very narrow aisles and at a height of more than 30 metres, crane racking is an efficient, optimised storage solution.

Guided by a management software system, the crane travels along the aisles of the warehouse, where it enters, positions and extracts the goods.

For multi-deep configurations, crane racking is equipped with a shuttle which retrieves the pallet and delivers it directly to the front, ensuring maximum accessibility.

Dexion Crane Pallet Racking Rack Group

Multi-tier pallet racking

Multi-tier pallet racking introduces different levels to the warehouse, with varying heights of floors and aisles, all of which help make best use of the vertical space available.

Each different floor level can be accessed by stairways, and are linked by walkways. On each level a system of shelving is created for the different types of products.
Multitier shelving is particularly useful for businesses selling small products, such as pharmaceuticals or spare parts, that need to be hand-picked.

Dexion Multi Tier Pallet Racking Rack Group

In this article weā€™ve covered the basic types of racking but there are many variations. The beauty of a warehouse which is well-equipped with the right systems is the ability to expand the range and add additional racking solutions as the business grows.

For more help and advice on how to find and implement the right storage solutions in your warehouse and boost performance, please get in touch.

Rack Group are Official Distributors of Dexion products.

5 Ways to prolong the life of your racking

5 Ways To Prolong The Life Of Your Racking

How to prolong the life of your racking

Letā€™s face it, storage equipment doesnā€™t come cheap. Racking plays an essential role in keeping your warehouse operational, yet can also be the reason why you encounter disruptions and down time. This article delves into some of the ways you can get the most out of your racking, ensuring it lasts for years to come.

Racking has a very important job to do. Storage equipment is designed to hold tremendous amounts of warehouse stock. This stock is precious, as are your people who work in and around it. Itā€™s also a huge investment for your business. Whether you choose to buy brand new, or source some quality second-hand systems, youā€™ll want to prolong the life of your racking for as long as possible to get a good ROI.

If well maintained, industrial storage equipment can last for years and years. This of course depends on how busy your warehouse is, the types of products you are storing, and the environment your racking is stored. It also depends on how well you treat it.

This brings us to our first tip on how to prolong the life of your racking:

1. Make sure your warehouse operators are fully (and regularly) trained

This may sound obvious but the main source of damage to racking is due to impact from Material Handling Equipment such as forklift trucks. This seems like a sensible place to start when looking at ways to prolong the life of your storage equipment. Ensure your teams are not only trained when they join your company, but have regular refresher training to keep their skills sharp.

Itā€™s also important to ensure your team is confident working with the racking itself. One example could be with the weight load limits on your particular type of pallet racking. Displaying weight load notices at the end of every aisle of racking enables your team to quickly check limits and ensure they are followed. Overloading racking, or storing pallets with uneven distribution of weights is one way storage systems can be weakened, potentially leading to racking collapse.

So, youā€™ve had your racking installed by a top-notch team of qualified installers, your MHE drivers are fully trained and your stock is safely loaded. Itā€™s now time to talk about protecting that lovely new racking installation of yours. As the classic saying goes, prevention is cheaper than the cure. Which brings us to tip number two:

Installations Rack Group
Rack Armour Racking Protection

2. Protect racking uprights before damage occurs with guards

Whether you prefer metal guards, or hard-wearing polymer guards, choosing to protect your racking uprights will save you money in the long-run. Guards can cost as little as Ā£10 each, protecting the most vulnerable part of the upright. In comparison, a full upright replacement can cost up to Ā£500.

Racking upright guards can perform for many years, being replaced only when repeated or major impact has occurred, making them a cost-effective option. Not only do they protect the upright from most types of impact damage, they also act as a visual deterrent to MHE operators. Usually sold in bright yellow colours, the upright guards signal a hazard to drivers whilst they move around the warehouse.

There are also other types of protection systems you can utilise to prolong the life of your racking, which brings us to tip number three:

3. Install racking protection barriers in high-risk zones

The end of racking aisles can be particularly vulnerable areas for racking damage. Warehouse vehicles will often turn tightly down aisles, causing impact to occur. Our next tip to prolong your racking involves installing impact protection barriers in these high-risk zones.

End of aisle barriers absorb and deflect impact, and come in all sorts of styles and materials. Choose the best option for your warehouse depending on the type of vehicles in operation and the type of racking you have. You should also factor in the amount of maintenance that might be required for certain types of barriers. If contact occurs with painted metal barriers, for example, the barriers will require frequent re-painting to ensure they remain highly visible and keeps your warehouse looking clean and tidy.

With your barriers and guards in place, itā€™s now time for tip number four:

Rack End Barrier Rack Group
Inspections Rack Group

4. Regularly inspect your racking for signs of damage or safety issues

UK guidelines recommend employers conduct regular and annual racking safety inspections. By checking over racking regularly, and reporting damage straightaway, youā€™re not only meeting these guidelines, but youā€™re also helping to prolong the life of your racking.

In busy warehouses, frequent little knocks to racking can go unnoticed. Large pallets of stock can also obscure some areas of damage. Ensuring your team routinely checks over your racking for defects means any potential issues can be flagged and action can be taken. This might be to unload the racking bay and carry out urgent repair work, which leads us into our final tip:

5. Repair damage to racking quickly to reduce serious consequences

The level of damage to racking uprights, bracing or beams is often categorised as a traffic light system by SEMA. Green signals that the damage should be monitored but no immediate action is required. Amber risk signals a hazard that requires action as soon as possible. Damaged categorised as a red risk requires immediate action as the damage is considered very serious.

The level of damage will prioritise which repair work needs to be carried out first. Staying on top of repair and maintenance work will help reduce repair bills long-term as some green or amber hazards may develop into red risk hazards, which are more costly than smaller repairs. Ignoring repair work wonā€™t make the damage go away. Make sure youā€™re taking all the steps to prevent catastrophic accidents involving collapsed racking, and prolong your racking for as long as possible.

Racking Repairs & Maintenance Rack Group

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