Racking Repairs Traffic Light Code

Racking damage and repair

Once damage has been identified on a racking system, you should take action according to the SEMA traffic light code of practice.

Red Risk - Very serious damage requiring immediate action

Amber Risk - Hazardous damage requiring action as soon as possible

Green Risk - Requiring surveillance only

These levels of damage will be highlighted in your racking inspection, which you should have at least once every 12 months.

You should also ensure your in-house teams regularly inspect and monitor your storage systems to identify damage early.

Read more about racking safety inspections and UK legislation here.

What does a Red Risk on racking mean?

Red risks on racking are situations where a critical level of damage is identified. The area of racking should be immediately offloaded and isolated from future use.

The racking can be re-used when the necessary repair work is carried out and the system is re-inspected for safety. Such repair work would usually be by replacement of the damaged component.

You should have a method of isolating areas to ensure that they do not come back into use before the repair work is carried out. For example, a particular bay could be offloaded in the presence of the inspector and roped off to prevent further use.

What does an Amber Risk on racking mean?

An amber risk on racking would identify an area where the damage was sufficiently severe to warrant remedial work, but not so severe as to warrant the immediate offloading of the rack.

Once load is removed from a damaged component, the component should not be reloaded until repairs have been carried out.

You should have a method of isolating such racks to ensure they do not come back into use until the necessary racking repairs have been carried out. The equipment should then be certified as safe before the rack is reloaded.

You could also use dated racking damage report tags to indicate the racks are not to be used until repaired.

Any racking with an AMBER RISK category damage should be re-categorised as RED RISK if remedial work has not been carried out within four weeks of the original identification.

What does a Green Risk on racking mean?

Green level damage on racking indicates the rack does not need to be offloaded or repaired immediately. This category indicates the racking components are considered safe and serviceable.

Such components should be recorded as suitable for further service until the next management inspection. The components should be clearly identified for specific re-examination and reassessment at future inspections.

Exceeding the green level should be considered damage and causes risk to the racking system.

When do I need to repair racking damage?

Damage to racking needs to be prioritised in order of risk category.

Red risk damage should be first offloaded and segregated from being used. Repair work will need to be booked in as soon as possible before the racking can be reused.

Amber risk damage should be repaired within four weeks, otherwise the racking needs to be immediately offloaded and unused until repair work is carried out.

Green risk damage should be monitored for any deterioration at regular in house inspections. If there are any changes to the damage, the appropriate action should be taken depending on the new category of risk.

To find out more about common types of racking damage and what you should do about them, check out our maintenance and repairs page here.

Do your teams know what to look for on their regular in-house inspections? Ensure they have the skills and the knowledge to keep your warehouse safe and operational. Visit our training courses page here.

Has your recent inspection highlighted red and amber risk damage to your racking?

Send us your inspection report and we can quote for your repair work.

Speak to a member of the team today.

Latest News

5 Essential Warehouse Checks RG Article

5 Essential Warehouse Safety Checks to Do Today

Regular checks of your racking can prevent accidents, boost efficiency, and save on costly repairs and downtime. Check for these 5 things in your warehouse today.

Gary Coleman Appointed IWS Group Divisional Managing Director

New Managing Director for Rack Group

Rack Group are excited to welcome Gary Coleman to the team as IWS Group Divisional Managing Director. Read the full story here.

Sustainable Warehouse RG Article

5 Easy Steps for a More Sustainable Warehouse

Looking to reduce your environmental footprint and improve efficiency in your warehouse? Here are five easy steps to take today.

The Importance of Regular Pallet Rack Safety Inspections

Regular examination and repair of pallet racking and shelving are essential to warehouse management. If storage systems are neglected, warehouse and operational managers may be unaware of the hazards to operations, workers, and goods.

Failure to conduct frequent visual inspections, an annual rack inspection by a technically competent person, or a replacement of any damaged components may result in legal liabilities in the unfortunate case of an accident.

Here are the facts about the importance of rack inspection:

The Importance of Annual Rack Inspection

The European standard EN 15635 Steel Static Storage Systems - Application and Maintenance of Storage Equipment describes pallet rack safety regulations regarding inspections and repair.

Section Expert Inspections indicates that inspections should be conducted by technically competent persons every 12 months. A report with observations and recommendations for any necessary action must be presented to the person responsible for storage equipment safety (PRSES).

Rack Training Damage Inspection
Rack Group Training And Inspections

Making Regular Visual Inspections

According to EN 15635 part Visual Inspections, besides the annual pallet racking inspection, the PRSES should ensure that checks are carried out at weekly or different regular intervals based on a risk assessment. A proper written record must be kept.

Section 9.4.1 states that storage equipment should be examined regularly for safety and especially for any damage that has occurred. Repairs must be completed promptly and effectively, with proper attention to the system's continued safety. All damage or other incidents must be documented.

Differences between Visual Inspections and Annual Inspections

Visual inspections and the regulated annual inspections are not the same. While it is entirely possible for your staff to perform weekly visual checks, yearly inspections are better handed to professional inspectors.

They can assist you in educating your personnel in charge of the visual inspections. A technically qualified individual should perform annual checks, so leave it to the specialists and contact us immediately.

What Happens When Damaged Racking Is Found?

Any damage to racking/shelving compromising safety must be repaired quickly, according to the criteria of the Employer's Liability Insurance Association and the Standard EN 15635.

This is true whether the damage is discovered by the fork truck driver, the storage installation manager, or the Association-approved racking and shelving inspector.

Follow these steps:

  • Damage must be reported to the safety officer as soon as it is discovered.
  • Implement safety-related measures.
  • A written report with the responsibility to preserve must be produced.
  • If the same damage occurs repeatedly, the reason should be investigated.
  • Begin a damage control method in line with EN 15635, Section 9.4.5.
Upright Damage Rack Group
Racking Maintenance Rack Group

Replacing with Original Spare Parts

Any damaged components should be replaced instead of repaired. According to Section 9.7.1 of EN 15635, damaged components should not be fixed since effective quality control of cold-reduced parts is extremely difficult. Repair of damaged parts is not permitted unless authorised by the equipment provider.

The EN 15635 Section 7 also mentions that the loading capacity may be affected when racking or shelf installation is modified. All changes must be approved by the supplier or a competent professional. Any advice must be followed before any changes are made. Changes must be made in line with the supplier's instructions.


Racking is essential to any warehouse facility, and its quality must be scrutinised regularly. This will help ensure safe and high-quality storage.

Are you in need of pallet rack inspection services in the UK? Rack Group provides warehouse racking solutions, inspections, repairs, protection, and training. Give us a call to learn more!

Speak to a member of the team today.

Working in the heat, is it safe?

Summer is here!

The Great British summertime might be a little... unpredictable, at times. Sun, wind, rain, hail, and anything else mother nature sends our way. But we are usually guaranteed at least a few weeks of warmth and sunshine sometime between May and September.

If you are working outside, you might rejoice in some much-needed warmth. But what about the dangers?

We have covered the risks of winter working before, and the cold. But what about summer working, is that safe? In addition to the risks you already need to control, working outside in hot weather brings two additional hazards:

ā€¢ Sun
ā€¢ Heat

A bit of sunshine isn't a bad thing. And it's certainly nice to feel warm. Working outdoors can be more enjoyable in the summer. But the sun and heat can also be dangerous if we don't protect ourselves.

Working In The Heat Rack Group HSQE Bulletin 0.4
Working In The Heat Rack Group HSQE Bulletin 0.1

Sun Exposure and Working Outside

The sun can make you feel great. You might go on holiday to get even more of it. For many people, a bit of sunshine is a great thing. But top up your vitamin D and not your tan, because working outdoors can expose your skin to more sun than is good for you.
It seems easy to get caught out by the sun when working outdoors. We didn't expect it. We forgot to pack the sunscreen on our way out the door. Perhaps because heatwaves don't happen as often as we would like them in the UK. Or maybe because we have other things on our mind when we go to work.

Short term skin damage from high levels of sun exposure can cause sunburn. This can be painful and uncomfortable for weeks as skin blisters and peels. Even a gradual tan will speed up the ageing of your skin over the long term.

One of the more serious dangers of sun exposure is skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. And UV light from the sun can cause it. The British Skin Foundation says that 40,000 new cases of skin cancer are reported each year. The NHS reports that more than 100,000 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the UK.

Steps To Reduce Risk Of Overexposure To UV

Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is the main cause of non-melanoma skin cancer. UV light comes from the sun, as well as from artificial tanning sunbeds and sunlamps.

As an outdoor worker, it is hard to completely avoid the sun when it's out. But you can take steps to protect your skin and avoid over-exposure. This will lower your risks from some of the more harmful effects:

ā€¢ Stay in the shade when possible
ā€¢ Use a high factor sunscreen on any exposed skin (the higher the SPF the better)
ā€¢ Re-apply sunscreen throughout the day
ā€¢ Wear a hat
ā€¢ Wear a top and clothing that covers the skin (especially any areas without sunscreen)
ā€¢ Take regular breaks out of the sun

Working In The Heat Rack Group HSQE Bulletin 0.5
Working In The Heat Rack Group HSQE Bulletin 0.2

Working In The Heat And Heat Stress

This is the UK. How hot does it really get? Is heat a real problem? Well, yes. Especially at work. Because you're not on holiday, able to cool off in the pool or an airconditioned hotel room (unless you happen to be working on a holiday resort).

You're at work. You might be doing a really intense physical task, which is hard enough in a cool environment. Add extra heat to the mix, you're going to get hot and sweaty. You might need to wear extra PPE to protect you from other hazards of the job, which might prevent you from sweating properly and cooling off.

ā€œHeat stress occurs when the bodyā€™s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail. As well as air temperature, factors such as work rate, humidity and clothing worn while working may lead to heat stress. Therefore, it may not be obvious to someone passing through the workplace that there is a risk of heat stress."
HSE Heat stress

And heat stress can be serious. It can make you feel unwell, lack concentration, get muscle cramps, faint. You can develop heat exhaustion, feeling tired and sick, get a headache and feel clammy. At its most serious, heat stroke can bring confusion, convulsions, loss of consciousness and can even be fatal.

Working Outside In The Heat

If you are working outside in the heat, you can take steps to minimise the risk of heat stress and keep cool. Here are some top tips:
ā€¢ Keep hydrated
ā€¢ Regular breaks
ā€¢ Cool down
ā€¢ Work in the shade
ā€¢ Plan your work

First, stay hydrated. Cold drinks will both keep you cool and replace the water lost through sweating. You should take regular breaks out of the sun and heat, to give your body a chance to cool down and recover.

If you can work in the shade where it is cooler, do so. You can also plan your work so that more intensive tasks take place early or late when the temperature is lower.
You made need to make extra allowances. Particularly during longer spells of hot weather. Like specialist PPE to keep you cool and safe. Or installing fans and air conditioning in break areas.

Be especially careful if you're not used to working in hot environments. Your body needs time to adjust to working in the heat. If a sudden heatwave arrives, give yourself time to get used to working in hot weather. Be extra careful the first few days.

Working In The Heat Rack Group HSQE Bulletin 0.6

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New Rack Training Centre Opens at Rack Group

Rack Group have opened a newly refurbished racking training centre in Barnsleyā€™s Carlton Industrial Estate, only 6 miles from M1 Jct 38.

The refurbished centre enables candidates to undertake rack safety training away from their own warehouse site. This option is ideal for customers who have limited space on site, or who have extremely busy operations and therefore training on site is not an option.

The rack training centre is also ideal for companies who only have one or two candidates looking for rack safety training. These candidates can book onto one of our open training days at a time that suits them, offering a cost effective alternative to hosting a group training session at a customer site.

Larger groups are also able to book the training centre for team away days, where training can be incorporated as part of the dayā€™s schedule.

New Training Centre Signage 2022
Training Centre Warehouse - Rack Group

Facilities at the centre include a large classroom and separate breakout room with private kitchen for lunch and refreshments. The centre also includes a designated training racking area where candidates will be trained to spot damage and safety issues within a real warehouse environment.

The full list of courses available at the Rack Training Centre include:

To register your interest in the Rack Training Open Days, or to enquire about a group booking, get in touch with the Rack Group team today.

Speak to a member of the team today.

What is EN 15635, and how is it related to storage equipment?

In 2008, the British Standards Institute adopted EN 15635 as the standard for the racking industry. This standard sets out how racking systems need to be installed and maintained. But what exactly is this EN 15635, and why is it so important?

What Is EN 15635?

EN 15635 became the standard with regards to the application and maintenance of steel racking systems. It acts as the guidelines of storage and racking systems to ensure safety on an operational level.

This is deemed necessary because a lot of these racking systems are used in close contact with heavy machinery. Not only does EN 15635 minimise any damage to the structure itself but it prevents safety risks to everyone within the vicinity.

It is important to note that EN 15635 is only used for racking and storage systems that are made of steel. Other racking and storage systems that are made of different materials may have different standards.

Dexion Wide Aisle Pallet Racking Rack Group
Installations Rack Group

Who Needs to Know and Comply with EN 15635?

This standard is very important to several industries. It is necessary for the manufacturers of storage equipment, specifically those who make items made of steel. This is crucial to them because it is the best way to demonstrate to end users that their equipment is safe to use.

Aside from the manufacturers, the designers and installers of racking layouts should also be aware of this standard. This way, whenever they are designing or installing any racking or storage system, they know that they are complying with the required standards.

Both manufacturers and suppliers of steel should also be familiar with EN 15635 as a precautionary safety measure. Of course, it lets them know that the quality of their steel is also passing the EN 15635 standards.

Why Do We Need to Use and Comply with EN 15635?

EN 15635 does not only include guidelines in the development and manufacturing of these storage systems. Rather, it also includes operational requirements, assembly and installation standards. These guidelines have been created for the purpose of safety and have been considered to be a top standard.

EN 15635 ensures the safety of operations when using these storage systems. It also addresses any possible issues and helps classify them while at the same time providing the recommended solutions. This provides ease when it comes to dealing with any safety issues with regards to the storage systems that are being used.

This has also helped in improving the quality of the steel itself and its manufacturing process. This has ensured that the racking systems and storage solutions remain of the highest quality possible to endure any tough conditions.

AR Racking Supplied By Rack Group UK
PSS Stronglock Racking Supplied By Rack Group UK

What Happens If We Do Not Comply with EN 15635?

While it is possible to get away without complying with EN 15635, it poses a risk of a safety hazard, harm, damage in operations and possible human safety being compromised. The standards exist for a valid reason.

So even if it is possible to avoid complying with EN 15635, this does not mean you should. The existence of the standard means that there is an importance to it that should be followed.

If an incident was to occur that involved the safety of the racking system, the Health and Safety Executive would investigate the business owner. The company would then need to demonstrate the steps they took to avoid the incident. Following the EN 15636 standard is the best way companies can ensure they are doing all they can to keep their warehouse safe.


EN 15635 is important in that it has been created to ensure the safety of the facilities, equipment, and operators. All of this is done while providing solutions that are efficient. It is important that you are familiar with these standards and ensure that your storage systems also comply.

If you are seeking industrial racking services, including the supply and installation of storage systems, you can contact Rack Group. We are a reliable provider of racking solutions for warehouses and have been in operation for 40 years where our priority is your safety. Contact us to learn more.

Speak to a member of the team today.

Rack Group now stock top racking manufacturers

Racking stock update

Rack Group now stock large quantities of the top racking manufacturers including:

  • AR Racking
  • Link 51
  • PSS
  • Cornix
  • Dexion

Pre-order full bays or individual components, available with installation or supply only.


Get in touch with our team today for more information.

Rack Group Top Racking Manufacturer Stockists

Link 51

We have Link 51 racking IN STOCK ready to be shipped. There is currently a 13 week lead time direct from the manufacturer, but Rack Group can deliver the following components NEXT DAY.

Current stock includes:

  • Shelving - available assembled or in kit
    • 2400 x 300
    • 2400 x 500
    • 2400 x 600

APR PALLET RACKING - available assembled or in kit

  • Uprights
    • 900 E / S
    • 1350 E / S
    • 2250 E / H / M / S
    • 4500 H
    • 5250 H
    • 6450 H
  • Beams
    • 2700 x 105
    • 2650 x 120
    • 2670 x 120
    • 2700 x 120


Current stock includes:

  • Frames
    • 6300 x 900 M
    • 3900 x 900 M
    • 8400 x 900 M
    • 9600 x 900 M
  • Beams
    • 2700 x 110
  • Baseplates
    • S/M/H


Current stock includes:

  • Beams
    • 2700 x 110
    • 2250 x 100
  • Ā Uprights
    • 4050 2KL85 3.0L
    • 4650 2KL85 3.0L
    • 5250 2KL85 3.0L
  • Bracing
    • 787HC / 827OL PG
    • 907HC / 947OL PG
    • 1048HC / 1188OL

AR Racking

Current stock includes:

  • Frames
    • 6000 x 900 XS20
    • 8500 x 900 M
  • Beams
    • 2700 x 110 2000kg
    • 2700 x 150 3000kg

Speak to a member of the team today.

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What you need to know about rack guards

Even if we employ the safest of measures, accidents still happen, especially when taking a look at industrial storage. From drops to impacts, many things can happen that will damage your things, but of course, this doesn't mean you should do nothing about it. You should still implement as many safety precautions as possible to protect your items. This can reduce the risk of damage and even the severity of damage if it does occur.

That said, if you are using racks for storage, you should also consider protecting them to ensure your system lasts as long as possible. How, you ask? With rack guards of course!

What Are Rack Guards?

Rack guards are a form of protection that you can often find on the front uprights of racks and other storage units. They generally come in several different forms and can be Ā attached directly to the racking, or installed on the floor directly in front of the rack. They are usually made from rubber, plastic, or metal and are designed to protect the rack from damage, whether it be from physical impact (drops, bumps, etc.), Ā acting as a visual warning before impact occurs, or even protecting from damage caused by liquids or chemicals.

Rack guards are also a great way of protecting the items Ā on the rack, as they can Ā be installed at the back of each beam level to prevent pallets being pushed too far.

What Kind of Rack Guards Are There?

Rack guards can come in many different shapes and sizes, but there are three main types that are the most common:

Rack End Guards - These are placed on the ends of rack enclosures, and they can be made of polyethylene, steel, or a combination of the two. These are made to Ā act as a visual signal to warehouse operators and absorb any impact that occurs, protecting the rack from direct damage.

Edge Guards - These are accessories that are installed on the front uprights of the rack enclosure. They are also made from polymer or metal and are intended to protect the rack and its contents from damage from pallets being moved on and off the rack.

Rail Guards ā€“ These are components that are attached to the floor in front of a racking bay, or even at the back of beams, and are often made from polymer. They are designed to prevent forklift trucks and other material handling equipment from pushing pallets too far into the rack.

Rack Group Racking Protection Products
AR Racking Installation Rack Group

What Are the Benefits of Rack Guards?

Rack guards are a great way of protecting your items from damage. Whether it's from bumps or drops, from environmental factors, or simply from a little bit of wear and tear, these guards can really protect your investment. Ā They not only protect your assets from damage, they protect your warehouse operators from injury caused by damaged racking collapsing.

What Are the Drawbacks of Rack Guards?

The only real drawback of rack guards is that they can be expensive. They can add quite a bit to the overall cost of your unit, so it's important to make sure they are worth the investment. However, if you plan on keeping the rack for a long time and will be using other enclosures to protect your items, they can be a great way to protect your investment and can even help you save money in the long run!


Rack guards are a great way to protect the items within your rack, as well as the unit itself. If you are looking to protect and prolong the life of your equipment, be sure to take a look at rack guards! There are many rack guard solutions out there, so understand what they offer, how much they cost andhow you can install them to protect your assets before you make your decision. Some rack guard suppliers will even offer a free or reduced price sample of the guard for you to try before you buy.

Rack Group is a provider of UK warehouse racking solutions, offering repairs, protection, inspections, and more to help companies save money. If you are looking for rack guards, browse our full range online now.

Speak to a member of the team today.

Weight Load Notices

Do I need a Weight Load Sign for my racking?

PUWER regulation 4Ā requires that work equipment is:

  • suitable for its intended purpose
  • selected so that the risks to the health and safety of users can be managed
  • used only for the operations for which it is suitable

This regulation also states that work equipment should be accompanied by information, including user instructions.

Companies using racking can demonstrate they are abiding by this regulation by displaying signs specifying the safe working limits of the equipment.

Weight Load Notices are there to advise colleagues on the safe load limit for the storage system. This is to ensure the racking is not overloaded and therefore unsafe to use.

Load Signs
Rack Group   Cantilever Racking 2

What does a Weight Load Sign need to include?

The safe working load limit of the rack needs to be displayed in a conspicuous location 2m from the floor, made from corrosion-resistant material, and should include the following information:

  • Suppliers name
  • Date supplied with contact information
  • Safe working load of each shelf
  • Safe working load of the bay*
  • Height to first beam
  • Beam pitch
  • Safety and warning signs

*IMPORTANT: The bay load is there to advise the safe limit for the whole system at one time and can often be less than the total of each shelf limit.

What happens if I alter the beams on my racking?

Whenever racking is reconfigured, the system should be inspected for safety and the Weight Load Notice updated if necessary.

If the racking layout is changed and the safe working limits are not recalculated, you could be providing inaccurate information to your warehouse teams and therefore risking the safety of the system.

What if I don't have a Weight Load Sign?

New racking should be supplied with Weight Load Signs upon completion of the install and before the racking is used. Newly installed racking needs to be inspected before it is operational. This inspection should identify any racking where a Load Sign is not displayed.

PSS Stronglock Racking Supplied By Rack Group UK
Rack Group   Stronglock Racking

How do I calculate the Safe Working Load of my racking?

Every manufacturer design their racking to different working limits. Therefore calculating the Safe Working Load of racking is not a one-size-fits-all process.

To accurately calculate your Safe Working Load, you will need to supply us with the following information:

  • Width of the bay
  • Type of beam (open or box)
  • Beam dimensions (width and depth)
  • Frame dimensions (height and width)
  • Vertical beam pitch (height of each beam from the floor)
  • Upright duty (usually stamped on the upright)

There may be other information that's required. Please get in touch with our team if you'd like to order Weight Load Signs.

Speak to a member of the team today.

Latest News

5 Essential Warehouse Checks RG Article

5 Essential Warehouse Safety Checks to Do Today

Regular checks of your racking can prevent accidents, boost efficiency, and save on costly repairs and downtime. Check for these 5 things in your warehouse today.

Gary Coleman Appointed IWS Group Divisional Managing Director

New Managing Director for Rack Group

Rack Group are excited to welcome Gary Coleman to the team as IWS Group Divisional Managing Director. Read the full story here.

Sustainable Warehouse RG Article

5 Easy Steps for a More Sustainable Warehouse

Looking to reduce your environmental footprint and improve efficiency in your warehouse? Here are five easy steps to take today.